Adding ToughClicks to Your Application
Welcome to the ToughClicks Developer Portal. It is our goal to provide a seamless, self-service approach to integrations. If you would like help from our team with your integration, reach out at any time!
How to Integrate
There are two primary ways to integrate with ToughClicks: The ToughClicks Javascript Library or The ToughClicks REST API.
Both options support the same features and provide the same service. If you would like to optimize for speed and ease of implementation, we recommend you choose our Javascript Library. If you're looking to own the entire UI or hide ToughClicks entirely from your user, you should use our REST API.
If you would like help choosing, reach out to our dev team who will help you decide.
Before You Start
To get started you will need a few things:
- Client Id - Managing Clients
- Packet Id - Managing Packets
We're here to help!
If you have any questions that you'd like to discuss with the ToughClicks team, please do not hesitate to reach out. There are many ways to get a hold of us, so check out our Getting Help page.
We're excited you're here and look forward to going live with you!
Updated 12 months ago